Special Needs

We Don’t Need Blue Pumpkins, We Need More Kindness

You may have seen the idea of blue pumpkins for kids on the Autism spectrum floating around social media the last few weeks. The idea is that our kids can carry these pumpkins around, then people will be aware they are on the Autism spectrum and give them grace about how they are asking, or not askingContinue Reading “We Don’t Need Blue Pumpkins, We Need More Kindness”


I Started Going On Birthday Trips With My Best Friend, Then COVID Hit

I met her in 8th grade and we have been best friends ever since! And now, here we are, decades later, still the best of friends. We went from writing notes in class to texting every day. We have been through the craziness of middle school and high school years, from going off to college,Continue Reading “I Started Going On Birthday Trips With My Best Friend, Then COVID Hit”