Special Needs

We Don’t Need Blue Pumpkins, We Need More Kindness

You may have seen the idea of blue pumpkins for kids on the Autism spectrum floating around social media the last few weeks. The idea is that our kids can carry these pumpkins around, then people will be aware they are on the Autism spectrum and give them grace about how they are asking, or not askingContinue Reading “We Don’t Need Blue Pumpkins, We Need More Kindness”

Motherhood Special Needs

Getting Through the Holidays With a Child Who Has Autism

Getting Through the Holidays With a Child Who Has Autism Christmas can be a stressful time of year for anyone. Christmas with a special needs child can add another layer of things to think that. As a mother of a child with Autism, Christmas has had to change a little from what I would thoughtContinue Reading “Getting Through the Holidays With a Child Who Has Autism”


Not Having a Daughter When You Thought That You Would

Not Having a Daughter When You Thought That You Would There was a time when I thought I would have a houseful of little women. Four girls. I even picked out names for them. As I grew up I thought that having two of each would be great. Then I started having my own childrenContinue Reading “Not Having a Daughter When You Thought That You Would”


The Night Before Kindergarten

The Night Before Kindergarten He started school a few weeks ago and I wrote this post the night before…he has had a really good couple of weeks and loves school 🙂 His backpack is ready, his clothes are picked out. I walk up to his room and watched as he slept. My “baby.” My youngestContinue Reading “The Night Before Kindergarten”